Maths Inside
Maths Inside consists of a series of maths lessons that are based on real-life scenarios. For each lesson there is a video of a maths practitioner who explains how they apply maths to their work.
Growing Mathematically
Growing mathematically introduces teachers to learning progressions in mathematics. There is a progression scale, assessments to position students on the scale, targeted teaching resources and other related information.

RMFII resources
Evidenced-based resources to support the teaching and learning of algebraic, geometrical and statistical reasoning in the middle years.
Dimensions is a professional development resource for teachers. It presents a number of modules on how to teach content areas and proficiency levels of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics based on the AITSL standards.
Maths 300
Maths 300 is a well-known subscription-based library of mathematics lessons. The lessons are all based on interesting and rich learning tasks, aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, that focus on developing the ability of students to think like mathematicians.
ReSolve promotes the learning of maths by enquiry. The resource offers a wide range of interesting and practical inquiry-based lesson plans to teach the content and proficiency areas of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. It is supported by a series of professional learning models.